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Old 03-25-2013, 04:54 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Posts: 10,357

I too subscribe to a mix of old and new. Some doctors are extremely good diagnosticians. My husband and son both see a doctor who never gets it wrong (and the further testing proves him right). The majority of mothers and quite a number of dads also know their kids so well....when they say somethings not right...they are to be believed. It still baffles me when I read of cases where a person/child has been presented at an emergency room, patted on the head, sent home and ends up deceased because someone either couldn't be bothered or is not well-trained enough to spot a serious problem. We have one regional hospital here with that problem....3 deaths occurred which should not have happened. That being said...without modern medicine I would not be alive today...Placenta praevia with my first son and later Systemic Lupus and a dicky ticker. My thanks and admiration to all medical practicioners, scientists and researchers.
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