Old 04-01-2013, 10:40 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 538

FYI- Another good discussion on Elmer's for basting (and binding, and piecing, and...and...and...)

What I've gleaned from both of these discussions (the abridged version):

Specifics: Elmer's = SCHOOL glue (other thread) or WASHABLE school glue, or Elmer's glue sticks. NEVER Elmer's Spray Adhesive.

What you can do with it: Anything you want (piecing, binding, basting)

How you can apply it: Any way you want. Just don't make globs. Use special tips, paintbrushes, or kitchen tools...or don't.

How to thin it: 3:1 (Glue:Water), or don't.

Have I got all this right?
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