Old 04-05-2013, 11:01 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Usually in my sewing room
Posts: 813

About 10 yrs ago my best friend from decades ago came over to see my new home. I had a cross-stitch sampler hanging in my bedroom that probably took over a year for me to stitch and then the frame probably cost $150.00. She saw it and asked if she could have that picture when I die. Speechless!!! I didn't know what to say!!! I don't think she wanted it as a rememberance of me, I think she wanted it because it would have looked good in her home decor at the time. Her husband was walking behind her when she said it and he said....." OMG...you didn't just say that did you?" Well, she was the kind of friend who never called me, I always called her to see how she was and she was always in the throws of some kind of drama, or she was to busy to talk to me. Anyway, I felt like I was always the friend who was making the effort to be a friend and she was only responding. Needless to say, I stopped calling her to see if she would ever call me first. It's been 10 yrs and she still hasn't called me. I still feel sad about the lost friendship....but I don't loose sleep over it....and I still have my sampler pic too, which will be going to my children upon my death....many years from now I hope!!!!!!!!
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