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Old 04-15-2013, 03:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Cogito View Post
As a nurse manager who struggles regularly to keep our unit within budget, I have to comment here. It is correct that the pink tubs and open containers of wipes will be thrown away. But, not all scissors or forceps, etc are disposable. Many are still returned for sterilization and reuse. I am just cautioning people to be conscientious about what they remove from the room. Many have the mentality that "I am paying an arm and a leg so I deserve it!" and take everything that isn't bolted down. What many don't realize is hospitals receive a drastically reduced % of what is actually billed. Anyway, it is way too complicated to go into, I am just saying, please be honest and ask what is ok to take home.
I've been in the hospital several times in the last 8 years and the nurses always bundled up everything in a plastic bag for me. Maybe it's just this hospitals policy but I was surprised at what was in there. The plastic tub and kidney shaped plastic bowls - can't they be sterilized and used again? I understand the foam pillow used to keep my head still - that would not be sanitary to use again. The little tubes of hand cream are really excellent.

Neat idea about the wine bottle boxes. Will ask at the grocery store about those - they have a big wine section. Need to also look at banker boxes? Not sure what they look like.

While you are at the store - don't forget pipe cleaners - they are really great for cleaning lint out of the bobbin area. That lint just clings to it. And it's really inexpensive. I use a wire cutter (DH's tools LOL) and cut them in half and just throw them away when they get yucky.
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