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Old 04-23-2013, 11:38 AM
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Default Pressing workshop

I went to a pressing/ironing workshop today. I learned a lot of helpful tips. If you use steam always have the iron up to highest temp before turning the steam on. This stops a lot of the sputtering and spitting. Use a very firm surface with very thin padding to keep cut fabric from distorting. The Steady Betty pressing board is great for pressing quilt blocks. The demo was HST pressed with and without using the Steady Betty. The instructor had a very old one, not called Steady Betty then. Keep the iron on the fabric long enough for the heat to do the job, this makes the fabric very hot. Don't move it until it cools. Always use a clapper. The clapper instantly takes the heat from the fabric and keeps the memory of a flat seam in the fabric. There were all brands and types of irons used from new to old. Then we went to more dressmaking pressing using hams, pressing cloths and needle boards.
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