Thread: Must haves???
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Old 04-25-2013, 06:11 PM
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Winfield, West Virginia
Posts: 61
Default Add Beginner's Guide to Quilting

Originally Posted by mimmy96 View Post
I am back and forth about a class.. Would LOVE to take one.. but the only place around here will not let you bring your own machine, you have to use theirs (and I am not interested in learning a new machine)... I just bought a new one and want to use mine! .. I know I know.. some may thing that is just crazy.. Wish I could find another place around here that has classes, but have looked everywhere!
mimmy96, I am new at this too and one of the first things I purchased was a good book on quilting. I love learning something new and reading first certainly gave me a good idea of what I was doing. I purchased the Better Homes and Gardens "Complete Guide to Quilting" at Joann's and I learned so much before I ever started on a quilt. I am not sure what your knowledge level is, but mine was so limited. I never heard of a fat quarter, didn't remember anything about cutting on the grain ( I learned to sew a little in high school, but hadn't sewed since and I am 63.) I hadn't used a rotary cutter and didn't know any of the quilting jargon. I learned so much from that book and I am constantly going back to it when I have a question. I then started looking up stuff on line and watched all kinds of you tube videos and then found this quilt board, which I look forward to reading on a daily basis. Even without taking a class, I have learned so much. Just wanted to add to your list of necessities. Good luck and I hope you enjoy your new machine and quilting as much as I have.
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