Old 04-27-2013, 12:42 PM
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Location: Surprise Valley, CA
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thank you kykaren. It's nice to hear there are people sticking to it.

Caswews....that is what I need to do.

I was thinking that I have some messed up thinking about this. I really only got back into sewing 3 year ago. I had a few scraps from past/beginning projects and scraps I'd bought at a thrift store but no real stash to speak of. Then I found myself at home with with small children and began to connect with the online community....notice my join date. I made a quilt with scraps and purchased white yardage. I want to make more stuff but didn't have enough so I started to COLLECT! And wonderful friends and family began giving me stuff. In my defense, I didn't keep it all. I shared and am still sharing. Now I have to stop collecting/hoarding because I have a solid stash built (I generally buy 1/2 yd cuts or larger and people give me all kinds of sizes). I am really completely out of room. I have a couple bags and boxes in my small living room where I sew. There are backings and batting stashing in corners. I have collected flannel for backings even. So, big realization.....I don't need to build the stash anymore.....It's DONE! I will still accept gifts and pass on what I won't use, but I don't need to actively buy.

The end of the moratorium is in Nov. That's my birth month, and only 7 months away (I counted). That's my goal. No more fabric purchases unless NECESSARY to complete a project (like running out of the sashing or background fabric), and even then I will try to use what I already have. In November I'll set a budget and allow a birthday purchase of something fabric I REALLY want.
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