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Old 05-02-2013, 05:52 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Washington
Posts: 196

I saw a demo of a new way. Lets see if I can explain. You get two new 1x4 the lenght you need. Yes lumber. You put the back of the quilt on a table (counter ) and role the back up on the board. The back is wrong side up. Now the top you use right side up and role it up on the board. Now the bulk is tamed. Now you role the back so some of the fabric shows, you can spray it with basting spray if you want. Now put your batting down, place the top over the batting and unrole some or you can spray baste and the start the top. Now if you want to want to run a long basting stich or pin baste you can. Now you continue on as role at at time until you are done. Really tames the large bulk of the fabric and can be done while standing or for the young ones on the floor.
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