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Old 05-02-2013, 08:13 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Lowell, MA
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Kudos to those of you who can still get up/move around the floor - if it was me - I'd need a tow truck or the paramedics to get me up again. LOL. Unless I can get to my church and use their large dining tables, I would put the extra leaves into my dining room table, then spread the backing fabric (middle third), tape it with masking tape or painter's tape, then do the same with the batting and the quilt. After pinning that section, I would remove the masking tape, roll up the quilt to the next third of the quilt and begin again. I hope this is somewhat clear. Before we had to move I had a gigantic old dining room table, which was nearly as large as the dining tables at church, so it worked great. I've also taped the first part of the quilt, as much as I could get on the table, then after pinning, I would roll it, then begin the process again. Sandwiching a quilt is my least favorite thing about quilting, but if I want to quilt, it's a small price to pay. You could also call a friend and the two of you would have it pin basted in no time. Good luck.
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