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Old 05-22-2013, 05:20 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 151

I want my quilts used! At one time I was upset that my daughter wasn't using the quilts I gave her the way I felt they should be used. One I made as a wall hanging, with a special place in mind for her to hang it. It was hand appliqued with some organza and very pretty. She ended up using it as a "blanket" on the floor for her kids to sit on while they ate snacks and watched tv. She washed it several times, and it stood up to all of that! I told her that I was afraid that it might come apart with all that washing, and it never has! I've given them several quilts, and even the boys have requested special quilts made for them. What do I care that they get used, ate on, laid on, etc? They're loved, and I'M loved, because they were MADE with love.
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