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Old 06-05-2013, 06:28 AM
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It is interesting to read how people choose to alot their time for sewing. Or how moods come and go. I think most of us would burn out if we did it 7 days a week for any prolonged period of time. Like many of you, physical limitations define how much I can sew. I have a disability (Meniere's Disease) that makes me keep my time at the sewing machine brief. Too long watching that needle go up and down and I get extremely motion sick. So I vary it up with other things. It works well that way for me. (Although petpainter, I don't know how you keep at it if you are fainting after 20 minutes. That is scary!)

Last edited by BuzzinBumble; 06-05-2013 at 06:34 AM.
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