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Old 06-30-2013, 10:48 AM
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Totally agree, especially about the squirminess! For me there is a "sweet spot" number of projects going that keeps me happy - I need to have a constant source of hand work (applique or binding) for evenings and early mornings if I get up before the rest of the household, and I need to have at least three projects in some stage from planning to near-completion. But more than five and I start to get a bit squirrelly!

But it doesn't have to be a quilting project for me. I will happily spend vast chunks of time in the garden, or messing around with crafts with my daughter, or fixing something in the workshop. As long as there is something keeping my hands busy!

I used to smoke, and I have always thought that part of that particular addiction for me was having something to do with my hands at all times. I wonder...

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