Thread: So sorry.
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Old 07-02-2013, 05:20 AM
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Originally Posted by ashlett View Post
We heard that it was started by a lightening strike???
yes, lightening strike. the western united states is currently experiencing extreme heat for this time of year with temps 15 - 20 degrees above normal. some areas affected have also experienced or experiencing drought. these factors combined with unstable weather patterns created by the heat & turbulent atmospheric conditions spawning dry lightening storms, variable winds with high gusts create a dangerous scenario in drought stricken timber regions. wildfires, or any fire for that matter - i have done a tremendous amount of controled brush burning over the years - fire creates it's own winds. so add to the high winds of atmoshperic disturbance...disaster. the mountains and canyons make it worse. difficult terrain to manuever in, the updrafts, all of it. they were trapped behind a fire line when winds shifted. these men deployed their fire resistent foil type survival coverings which would allow them to survive as fast moving wild fire sweeps over them. the authorities aren't sure what happened. autopsies to determine asphyxiation or ? . the heat resistent tarps they wrap them selves in have melting point of 500F - 460F = ~237C

our western united states is hot dry and prone to wildfires. . just as midwest prone to tornadoes, east to hurricanes. a land of tremendous beauty and incredible extremes of weather.
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