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Old 07-04-2013, 10:11 AM
Donna Bates
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Hill Country, TX
Posts: 31

I agree with dunster - the gift is the point. Giver and reciever are blessed. Used quilts being recycled is preferable to stored and they find homes as picnic blankets or doggie snuggies. My blessing is in the stitching - once it leaves my control I've learned the hard way to release it without sentimental attachment. My reality moment came after the holidays years ago, I was volunteering at a community center when a couple of dozen charity quilts for headstart kids were dumped into our box at the grocery parking lot. Our guild had given nearly a hundred to a United Way party for kids in our town, apparently they were not received as eagerly as the Toys for Tots. After they were priced and set out for purchase I bought half of them and passed them on to kids coming thru our about coming full circle! Southernmema nailed it, we quilter sisters are a breed apart. What a priviledge to have this forum to praise and vent - love this group. Piecemaker
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