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Old 07-14-2013, 12:01 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Sonoma County, CA
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I have no idea! I can't smell anything in here, but I don't have a very good nose. It probably smells faintly of dog, since it's carpeted and there's usually one or two of my little buddies lurking at my feet whenever I'm in there, LOL. (Though they get bathed every weekend so I don't think they're very smelly.) Maybe smells a little like fabric softener since I pre-wash everything?

I keep the windows open most of the year but there's nothing particularly fragrant growing nearby and it's a 2nd story room. When the wind comes from the wrong direction it smells like cow manure, but I close the windows quick when that happens! One of the drawbacks in living outside the city limits!
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