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Old 08-10-2013, 03:38 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Haverhill, MA
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Originally Posted by Lovequilting22 View Post
The fabrics are a big hit! And to think, I second guessed myself in the store....but I kept coming back to the flowered fabric. I hope the person who will be getting them will agree. I think she will. .
Ok, couple things that I think were missed.

You need to have some sort of backing between the batting and the bed of your machine. Otherwise you will have a horrendous mess to clean up or your machine might start having a tantrum! So yes you need a backing of some sort and that is why. (Sorry engineer here, I always need to know WHY I have to do something and it has to make sense or I will do it my own way)

Now couple options you have here:
1. Cut the backing 1 to 1.5 inches bigger than the front. You need room for everything to "draw up" a bit when you quilt it. I have cut my backing a smidge bigger like just enough to fold to the front and wouldnt you know it ended up much smaller than that....sigh. tis an annoying thing to happen. Once you finish quilting, press the whole sandwich real good, then trim down the left overs with enough to fold over to the front and stitch down.

2. Another option, use a scrap piece of material, anything really, doesnt matter on color just make sure you cant see it through the backing fabric. Then use that for the sandwich backing. Quilt, trim to same size as placemat. Then you put the backing fabric you want to use (right sides together) on the front, stitch all the way around and then turn right side out. This will leave the back free (not stitched down) and does not put an edge on the placemat (that a binding would)

Really depends on the look you want. The second option I use when I dont have enough backing fabric to do bindings etc.

Now to your comment......some fabrics, patterns, colors, quilt designs etc. speak to you. when I have a fabric that speaks like that to me, I get it. Usually those end up being the best quilts!

Congrats on first project and joining the board. HUGS
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