Old 08-11-2013, 05:16 AM
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When you say "standard" feet. The answer is Yes and No. Older White Rotary takes something significantly different the Singer, however they are very, very easy to find on Ebay.

From a few pictures, it appears the FR has the the large nut that takes the flat top attachments - this was used on a lot of machines (other than Singer) so it's also a "standard" style at one time.

Griest sold sets for both rotary and vibrating shuttle machines - so if you buy a set, watch for that. The only difference is for the Shirring plate and underbraider that attach to the bed of the machine (often replacing the plates) all the feet are the same. If you are particular, you can find a box with the White name on it - but they usually cost more too.

This shows the Singer side clamp along with the other style - (please ignore that they are different feet).
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