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Old 08-11-2013, 11:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Misty's Mom
Great recycling idea. I read somewhere that some women were filling these bobbins and using them on theirsergers for small projects and didn't have enough spools of the same color. Don't know if it works or not though. When I bought my serger long ago, the sales lady said to always buy at least 4 spools of each color at a time, then everything matches. I have so much thread, I'll never be able to use it all. Wonder if I can use it for piecing quilts?
You can piece with your serger so that question is answered. Nancy Z has a book about quilting with a serger. Just think, your bobbin never wears out. I had lots of cones from yrs ago so when I started embroidering I figured for things like the kids Easter baskets or Christmas ornaments where sheen wasn't a factor it'd be cheaper to use the serger thread. It took me a while of trying over a couple different holidays and I finally figured out how to use them when machine emb especially when doing FSL.
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