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Old 08-13-2013, 04:59 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: jennings, Louisiana
Posts: 227

I too understand. 6 yrs ago I was at the embroidery machine working on quilt blocks for Christmas gifts when a knock came at my door. the state police and sheriff were there to tell me my husband had been killed in an auto accident. He was 42. For a year couldn't sew I would get sick to my stomach just to look at the machines. But God is so GOOD.With God's love, grace mercy and prayers of Family and friends and my own I was able to start quilting again.He spoke to me in every piece of fabric and pattern or thread break and still does. The road has been long but the rewards are so great. I still have days of grief I will the rest of my life but when they come those are the days my sewing room is my sanctuary.
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