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Old 08-25-2013, 11:44 AM
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Originally Posted by nhweaver
A while back I moved my sewing area into its own new studio. Last night, I was ready to quilt a baby quilt, and went to the Viking even feed foot box, and the even feed foot was not there!! I am "anal" about putting things back (most of the time), but moving everything and setting up everything, some things have "disappeared". Where in the world is that walking foot?? I checked every drawer, every cabinet, every little place, but no foot!!! This foot is very expensive $50++, it is the low shank, any suggestions where this guy could be hiding? I am not going to buy another one, extra quilting funds are tight right now. I hope it did not fall into the garbage can that I keep under the sewing machine. The last time I used it was right before we moved the room.

My sister suggests that this is a subliminal message from my 875Q, i bought a Pfaff quilt expressions 4.0, and will be selling the 875Q (maybe).
I know the feeling about things falling into the trash can....I lost two embroidery cards ($100.00 each) because I had the trash can right beneath the area where I laid the two cards. I was sick!!! Needless to say, I don't use my cards around a trash can any more. Expensive lesson to say the least.
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