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Old 08-25-2013, 05:21 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 519

I would say 'what fabric were you working with?'

I use our table for sewing. I just about always have my machine on it. I cut on the island, and then often have to move my mat to the table, to clear the island.

I was working on a friend's stylist, took all of it's tops off. Much later, I gave that machine to my OSMG, and couldn't find the flat plate that went under the handwheel. I looked under my fridge, under the freezer, just everywhere I could think of!

I took the machine anyway, it was probably going for parts.

A month later, I dug into my stash for something, and there it was. When I had packed up my table for us to (actually) eat on, the metal piece got hidden.

I should have thought of that -- I have done it before! Whatever I am cutting or auditioning will be hiding an important school note, or recipe too!
good luck!!

Keep us posted ;0))
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