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Old 08-26-2013, 01:25 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Florida
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Last week, at a retreat, I was being very careful to put everything away at night. After putting everything in it's place, I noticed my awl still on the sewing table. I remember putting it in the big travel box, on top of everything else. Next AM it wasn't there. Took everything out of that box, very carefully. It was inside my box of hand work tools. That day, while working all my tools kept falling on the floor, so I put the awl into my pin/trash collector. Forgot. Cleaned up to leave the next day and dumped the trash collector. Our hostess found it. Boy was I imbarrassed to have thrown it in the trash when I'd made such a big deal out of it the day before.

DH is the best at searching. And I've learned, never put my keys in a safe place, just toss them on the counter.

When I was packing for the retreat, couldn't find my walking foot. Gave up for a while. Then remembered, I'd seen it in a very unusual place...... THINK..... maybe in the bottom drawer...... Oh Yeh! I took it to a class to show the students and had thrown it into the bag with assortment of threads and needles.
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