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Old 09-05-2013, 12:59 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Houston, TX
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I use quilts. I am a bit selective about some of them because my husband rough houses with the dogs on things and they usually don't fare too well so quilts aren't allowed on the floor. I do, however, always remember my father coming home after his mother died and they cleaned out her house with stacks of hand decorated linens and even a full size quilt that had never been used. He said that his mother had also put away most of the gifts that we'd sent her over the years in the boxes with the cards and never used them. He gave the linens and quilt to my mother and said "Don't you dare put these away to save. They were made to be used, so use them". I've always followed that advice in my own life. Use and enjoy the beautiful things you have.
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