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Old 12-01-2009, 04:49 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Westerville, Ohio
Posts: 711

I was there when they opened---have not seen so many women in one place in years, but it was fun. Everyone was picking flannels & fleece and sharing when their cut was done. They even opened a line just for those with only 3 or less items to cut (that was not me)and everyone was chatting and trading information. I was terribly excited to see that there were a lot of ladies buying the flannel for making donation quilts.
In these rough times, it warmed my heart to see so many helping others. I got flannel for 5 pairs of pajama bottoms, 2 for robes for my great nieces,1 for a quilt for my sweet dog, and a couple to add to what I have for donation quilts. Also got some white serger thread, 4 pkgs of quilt batting for donation quilts, some thread and a couple of pieces of cotton fabric. Total cost was $50.00 but when I showed DH that I had saved over $150 he was thrilled. It was so nice to go and just take my time for a change. Hope you all had a great day too!!
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