Old 09-23-2013, 11:59 AM
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The interesting thing I found out last night is that the labyrinth so far isn't using 1/2 that material it called for. Now part of this is of course that I'm doing it in less colors, but the "waste" is unreal. I don't think I would cut the whole pattern again before starting. On average, I've cut almost 1 whole strip for each color that wasn't needed to make the number of squares the pattern called for. (I'll make pillow cases or something, so it won't go to waste, and they're all good blenders) I don't know how I would react if I'd spent $200 for the Aphrodite fabrics to find out I could have done it with $100. I'm still torn though. I wonder if I should do the Aphrodite as a smaller quilt so the buy in doesn't seem so huge.

On the up side, the Labyrinth is going well. I have the center star done - most of my seams line up, all of the fabric cut, and I made up all of the HST blocks last night. It's "just" assembly from here.

DH is so good that way. He's learned so much about color and shape from the photography I used to be fully immersed in (I still shoot, but not like I did) and has absorbed so much from my babbling about quilting stuff. His gift for my birthday a couple of years ago was what got me started collecting machines - Ronnie is a 1950 featherweight, after he saw my reaction from seeing one at sewing class. He actually haunted the antique shops looking for one for me. She's the little one I'm piecing the Labyrinth on right now.
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