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Old 09-29-2013, 12:44 PM
Sharon - NC
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: From Baltimore, currently live in Charlotte, NC
Posts: 501

Thank you all for your wonderful suggestions and words of encouragement and links to helpful products. I am definitely going to use the tip about having a shelf a foot or so from the ceiling, going around the room. I ordered some comic book boards (had never heard of these, but ordered from I am going to arrange them in the colors of the rainbow. This makes so much sense to me: I love my fabric, and having it around to look at will be a happy thing! I am going to put some of the bigger pieces on a bookshelf, going up to the ceiling if needed. I am going to use the old 1970's brick and board construction. I can add rows as needed. I also am going to get some flat under-bed boxes to store supplies, batting, etc. I am going to keep whatever fabric I can, and any extras I'll donate to a good charity or sell on here. Again - THANK YOU!!
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