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Old 09-30-2013, 06:42 AM
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I will be up there sometime the middle of next week, depending on my work schedule - a couple of weeks ago I went to the Hyde Museum in Glens Falls, NY, for a Georgia O'Keeffe show, some of the paintings she did during her earlier life with Alfred Steiglitz. His family had a compound up at Lake George and she spent several months every year painting up there. I could already see how her use of color and light has affected my sensibilities as I began planning a quick lap quilt for a dear friend in shades of purple yesterday.

Right now life is so full of color and texture, I feel like I'm going to explode! First GO'K, now Jane and Grandma Moses - plus I think there's a display of quilts by Haitian Women also at the Museum? Oh, frabulous joy!
Originally Posted by feline fanatic
I live only 30 minutes from the museum and have lived that close for a very long time! I just went and viewed the quilt for the first time this Saturday! It is amazing and my friend and I spent a good 20 to 30 minutes inspecting it and we had it all to ourselves. You can get your nose within a few inches of the quilt to closely inspect Jane's amazing needle work and skills in quiltmaking. The quilt is awe inspiring. After we had our fill of it we stepped into the next room but while still in ear shot and eyesight of "Jane" two other ladies approached for their genuflections. LOL. It was amusing to watch as we all seem to react the same way. We stand, we stare, our jaws drop, we inhale audibly and exhale with some whispered exclamation, such as "oh my" ,"Wow" , "amazing" or "holy cow" take your pick.

Definitely come up to see it. It is worth the trip and the leaves are just reaching peak. Admission to the museum is only $10 and they have some other wonderful displays too, including an entire collection of Grandma Moses paintings.

Edited to add, the quilt is currently displayed in FULL glory with no partition between viewer and quilt. It is displayed an angle and fully laid out. Directly behind it is the original Bennington 1776 flag as well.
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