Old 10-07-2013, 10:42 AM
Jim's Gem
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Camarillo, California
Posts: 35,242

I finally finished quilting the boarders for my newest Grand son's quilt. today I will try and get the binding on. He is only 9 1/2 months......
I also quilted 2 small quilts for my 3rd daughter's classroom. She got her first full-time teaching position this year. She is a TK (Transitional Kindergarten) teacher. Basically the kids who are still 4 and didn't turn 5 before October 2. These 28 kids are all going to be 5 before December 2. She would have preferred older kids (4th or 5th grade) but this is where she is. I made 2 quilts for her reading corner.
I also got one other lap size quilt quilted that is going to be donated to our guild. I got all the bindings cut last night and hope to get them on the quilts by machine today and then hand sewn this week.
I had been avoiding my machine. It still has 2 - 1/4" lines coming down across the screen. The part won't be available until the end of the year. It was making me depressed just thinking about it. But I had been playing games on the computer so much that I am having issues with pain in my elbow. It doesn't bother me as much to sew. Guess I should do some sewing and stop playing LOTRO!
I hope to get started on some fall garden stuff today. I bought some spinach, snow peas, pole beans and kale plants to put in the ground as well as broccoli, 3 kids of lettuce, spinach, green onion, kale and snow pea seeds I want to sew. We have very mild winters around here. I have never done a fall/winter garden but thought I would try. My tomatoes did not do well this year, we had a cold, foggy summer and they did not like that, Neither did the zucchini and yellow squash plants. I still have peppers producing though.
It was 92 degrees or hotter the last 3 days. Today is supposed to be only 82 and maybe some rain by Wednesday. That would be great. We had the Santa Ana's blowing over the weekend and everything is bone dry!

Looks like I am 13 weeks and craving pickles. Hey that sounds good. Maybe I will have a pickle later....

My newest Grandson, Caleb Austin, was born May 29th. I am now Grandma to 4 precious babies. I am so blessed!!!!
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