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Old 10-10-2013, 01:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Redsquirrel View Post
I guess its a hobby and selling them for a bit more than I paid will help me continue this hobby for years to come hopefully.
Now I get it. I really only sold some because I ran out of space (no basement, can't use the roof, run out of friends' places), then realised that I'm quite skilled at fixing them. In Australia the rate of pay for everyone is enormous, so people are used to paying a lot more for a clean and service than elsewhere. The standard rate here is $90 - $130 for a service only for a basic machine, $110 being about average. I've heard of people paying $250 to get a machine serviced.
With all my machines, I clean, service and test them and even then it's hard to sell for more than I paid! The 99k is a good example. I paid $50 (considered it a bargain), it's almost in mint condition with the original accessories and I still couldn't sell it for $90 (less than the cost of just a service)!
So the best way to make money with these skills is to also offer to fix, clean and service. It's the same with cars: Better to fix them than buy, fix, sell.
What's it like where you are?
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