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Old 10-22-2013, 03:55 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Lots of good tips here. You don't have much lead time but I would recommend you cut your pay by half right now. Put half your paycheck into savings beginning now. It will help you "practice" not having that money and it will give you a little nest egg for some of the unexpected things that are bound to happen.

Once you have cut your hours you won't be able to do that, of course, but I would still set aside a small sum into savings. I've done this for years. Every pay increase I get, I put the increase into savings instead of my pocket. My take home pay hasn't varied for years but my savings account has grown a lot. It is amazing how a few extra dollars in your pocket or in your checking account tends to vanish but in savings ... notsomuch.

Someone mentioned taking your food and beverages to work which is a good idea. There is a website that I really like that has a lot of tips on making things for the freezer and that really cuts down on the temptation to order pizza or go out for lunch or breakfast. She makes and freezes breakfast sandwiches and oh, so many other things. I think you will find it helpful.

Good luck and congratulations.
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