Old 11-08-2013, 02:27 AM
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I love the 2 color idea..and I know I have brought this up before, but I like the idea of surprising your partner...yep, I do! I admit I have been known for my rigidness, my type A persona, my OCD...but really it only affects me...I don't carry it over to things I receive. And I am usually pretty scheduled, like things to go according to plan..well, that's how I WAS before dh and I got old and decrepit. Now we do good to plan our next upright moment with our geezer selves..Teehee! Gotta laugh.. So, the "new (old) improved (or not) Kif" is voting for 2 or 3 colors or whatever on that...but definitely would love one of these times for the runner/table mat/place mat(s)-singular used special for you Chasezzz-to be a surprise to the recipient.
Off to chase my own zzzs...yes Brat, I had laughed before at the irony of my insomnia talk in the same thread with Chasezzz.
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