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Old 11-20-2013, 06:29 AM
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Monroe, NC
Posts: 6
Default Good morning from NC!

Good morning all! My name is Deborah, and I am VERY new to quilting. I just made my first quilt about 3 weeks ago, while on vacation visiting some dear friends. The lady I learned from has a real passion for it, and has made some of the most stunningly beautiful works of art I have ever seen. Her mother actually owns a quilt shop, so the talent definitely runs in the family.

I have attempted to start another quilt since I returned home, but it is not going so well. I'm still learning my machine, and suffice it to say that this quilt top will NOT be quilted.

I'm so happy to have found this group, and hope to learn much from other members. My attempted disaster did not lessen my desire to create my own works of art.
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