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Old 12-03-2013, 05:41 PM
Super Member
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Location: Cody, Wyoming
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ok look at the smiley face on the menu for typing. now go four to the right of that its a tiny tree in a picture frame that is how you add pictures from your hard drive

I am not worried if I receive a a block it will be a nice thing OKsewnsew and also I have finished my two! yahoooooo! take your time partner of mine a craft sales person! I have done that sure whips the heck out of your tail doesn't it? for those of you who have done it you know.. all the rush rush sew til your fingers fall off smile smile smile sell everything you possibly can its a lot of work for such a small profit. But.. there is a small rush to the whole thing isn't there? like someone saying yeah you do good stuff I simply find my energy level is no where near what is required. Your a rock star partner. I wish you a zillion sales!
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