Thread: 2013 or 3050
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Old 12-04-2013, 07:37 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Northern California, Sonoma Co.
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I totally understand where you are coming from – I just upgraded from an older mechanical Janome machine to a used Janome 6260qc electronic machine. I am thrilled beyond belief to move up in the world of sewing machines, for all the reasons you mentioned.

No matter what I did and what foot I used (including a few I "modified" to help me out), I couldn't get a consistent and accurate quarter inch seam. On this machine, I set the seam width to 6, which skootches the needle over just enough to create a scant quarter inch. My old machine had a maximum width of 5, so even with the needle to its farthest right, it left me with a slightly wide seam allowance, which, as we all know, can lead to worlds of trouble down the road.

I would not go without an automatic needle threader. I know some people have trouble learning how to use it, but there is always time to learn but nothing you can do if you don't have it in the first place.

The needle up and down is great, and the stitches are awesome! Another cool thing is setting it so it automatically does either a lock stitch or a knot whenever you begin or stop sewing. Love it!

And the fabric moves through so smoothly (with the 7-point superior feed system – I sound like a salesperson, huh?) I hardly need pins.

I looked at the two machines you are considering, and the only thing I saw was that one had automatic tension and the other didn't. I think the more expensive one did not have automatic tension. What other differences did you find? Because I'd probably go with the cheaper one so I'd have more money for fabric.
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