Old 12-06-2013, 09:48 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Oregon
Posts: 351

Brat, how can I help???

Originally Posted by Elisabrat View Post
ok maybe its just December and I am tired and its freezing outside literally below zero.. but I am thinking I might not have it in me to run the next swap. Is there anyone here who would like to help me out for one round? I have so many ufo's they are making me a bit anxiety ridden.. I would love to finish those up and then well I am free timed again to start new things. if you think you can help me and do Januarys swap please PM me. I will help you with the posting initially and well.. its just for the one swap.. .. I need to get out of my sewing rut and well its going to be my gift to me plus it should result in several gifts for next Christmas which would be so welcome in my minds eye.. not ending up stressed on what to give is seriously wonderful ..
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