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Old 12-27-2013, 05:24 AM
Retired Fire Chief
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Saginaw Michigan
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Brat, good luck with your tests, my husband went through a ton of tests twice for his heart transplant. He had to go through them originally to be on the list and then a second time before they would list him as 1A just before the transplant. I know they were bothersome but he didn't seem to mind, of course by that time he had been through so much I guess nothing mattered. I will keep you in my prayers today, hoping all goes as needed to be listed.

As far as the brain cramp - that's a polite term for my brain. Mine has been somewhere unknown lately, plus husband's brain is driving me nuts, his meds make him forgetful but in his mind he isn't so he is always telling me things he thinks I said or he said and I swear we never had such a conversation. Sometimes I think he is either trying to drive me nuts or I am getting Alzheimer's! We spend a lot of time saying - yes I did, no you didn't........phew!
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