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Old 12-29-2013, 04:42 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: martinsville Indiana
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In 1986 I was a junior in high school and taking a needlework class. Do they even offer those kind of classes anymore? Well we did everything from crochet to quilting. Mom had already taught me everything but quilting so it was an easy credit. That is until it came to the quilt block. We had to make one. The teacher had several blocks to pick from to make a potholder. I picked the fan block. Thinking it was pretty, well it was pretty hard! After two weeks of piecing and ripping I turned in my unquilted wonky fan block and vowed never to quilt again. Later in the year we did chicken scratch, I fell in love with the lacey looking gingham and made my first quilt with the alphabet on yellow gingham and I even quilted it, all by hand start to finish. And that was the first and last totally hand quilted anything I've made. But I still had no interest in quilting. Who would have thought I'd be obsessed with it now.
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