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Old 01-17-2014, 07:14 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 405

There are so many of you that understand the benefits of vinegar! I drink 1 Tbsp Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar in 1 cup warm water with 1 tsp honey each morning. You can add to this habit 1 tsp lemon juice (fresh squeezed) in 1 cup water and 1 tsp honey. Both of these habits are GOOD FOR YOU. I also use 1 cup vinegar in 1/2 to 1 gal water for a rinse after shampooing my hair. I use Miracle II soap for my shampoo. In this shampoo I add 1 Tbsp Collidial Silver. I have healthy hair.
There are good books on the Vinegar - one is "The Healing Powers of Vinegar" by CFal Orey. There is also a very good book "Never feel Old Again" by Raymond Francis.
I have heard and will try the soaking of feet in warm water with vinegar for getting dead skin off feet. Also soaking in tub with Epsom Salts.. drinking 1 tsp soda in water is good for you also. Coconut Oil is also very good for you. I use this on my face and hair. You can also drink it. I use it for when I occassionally fry something.
Speaking about acid - many items when they enter your body change to alkaline. All of the above are good for your PH. I have researched health issues since 1986. One thing I have recently learned about is Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care. They concentrate on the C1 and C2 vertrbrae which is where your brain stem goes through. If these two are out of alignment it affects your whole body. I hope this information helps you
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