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Old 12-15-2009, 09:02 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: mid tennessee
Posts: 489

I was driving the other day and saw a man raking leaves into a quilt to haul them across the yard, I nearly wrecked my car. I honked my horn and shook my finger at him (not the bad finger of course) but I thought about it. I bet his wife didn't know what he was using. I felt so bad for that quilt. After all, I repair/restore quilts and believe me only a handful of people really understand the value of quilts. I love doing what I do it is a lot of work and not many people want to pay for it. It is so sad because most quilts are made for someone for a reason and from the heart. That is true value to me. I hope this makes sense.
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