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Old 03-04-2014, 03:04 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Ohio, just east of Toledo
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I just had a call about a half hour ago for saving money on my electric bill. Ok, I'll play along.
Can I speak to the person in charge of paying the electric bill?
Blah blah blah need some info to see if you qualify. Do you belong (or signed up or something) to PIP?
What's that?
Something about some government help for lower income.
Hey, how do I sign up for that? I pay the bills, but I have no income, so I have to get money from my husband and Lord, the things I have to do to get that money. He expects me to cook his dinner, wash his clothes, go to the mailbox not only in the am for the paper, but again around noon to get the mail! I do...

Whoever it was hung up. The nerve!

If I'm not doing anything, and just sitting here, I answer. If it's a real person, I talk. If it's a recording I wait until instructed to press some number to talk to a real person, and I do. Then I just set the phone down and wait for the signal that the call has ended. It they're going to waste someone's time, I'm going to waste theirs and help keep someone employed.

I need a life. Wait a minute, this one's not bad
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