Thread: Did you see it?
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Old 03-07-2014, 08:21 PM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Tehachapi, was Glennville, CA
Posts: 45

Our Friday Night Boys (teen Bible/book study) went last Friday and my nine year old and I went also. It was terrific. It wasn't just the miniseries from last year. It was a continuation of filming that was a 2-1/2 hr. movie. My kids truly enjoyed it. The teens had a lot of good to say about it. It pretty closely followed the Bible. There was (obviously) a lot left out for time purposes. When eight teen boys, a ten year old and two adults all thought it was very well thought out, well filmed, that's pretty good. It wasn't as bloody as Passion but still got the point across. It was enough that my ten year old was truly near tears and couldn't believe how poorly Jesus was treated. Very good film.
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