Old 03-11-2014, 08:40 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 353

A couple months ago, hubby and I were at Home Depot. I used the ladies room and when I walked in, little bits of TP were everywhere. Of course they have the huge round holders for TP, so you guessed it, when I needed to use from the roll, it took about 5 times to get it rolling, 5 tiny bits on the floor. It is so thin and so heavy on that roll, it won't roll until you can get hold in the middle of a sheet. Which by the way is now only about 3" across.

I pulled off some when I left and went to the manager. Told him the restroom was a mess, it had snowed. I then asked him if he really expected his customers (we had bought over $100 worth of mdse.) to use postage stamps when they needed to use the facilities while shoping in his establishment. Then I e-mailed the corporation when we got home. Such a waste because it really can't be used unles you pull off 10 ft of it. It was as tiny as calculator tape.

As far as facial tissues. Check the boxes. When Scotties were on sale, I bought four, only to get home and fine they were an 1" narrower on both sides, only 70 in the box, instead of 80 AND the box is way too small to fit in the fancy tissue box covers in all of our rooms (they match the colors and decor). It's time the consumer gets very vocal and with e-mail, message boards and social media, we can flood manufactureres business. I took all four boxes back and when I got home, e-mailed Puffs and Kleenex. Told them if they do it, I'm buying handkerchiefs as I can't blow my nose on a postage stamp, and that's what they are.

They made, TP " narrower a couple years ago. I e-mailed Cottonelle as the roll just spins on the holder. You won't believe her answer. She said it was CHEAPER TO SHIP WHEN IT WAS SMALLER (as if it's shipped one roll at a time). My reply back was, I knew some people were stupid enough to believe that but it's not your consumers. It's the dumbing down of America at it's best. Shipping? (rolling eyes) Yes, manufacturers think we are the dumbest people on earth.
So start complaining. We know things cost more so just raise the price!
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