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Old 03-12-2014, 05:51 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Long Island, NY
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Ugh! Pantry moths! HATE them! In our last house they came in with some baby clothes from my neighbor. And then the battle was on -- for YEARS. Don't think that baggies will help. They chew right through them. Doesn't matter if the food is organic or not. Anything made with any sort of grain goes directly into the freezer for three days, comes out for a day, and goes back for another day. That way if anything survived the cold enough to hatch, it's finished. Bay leaves are good and I've used them, but they aren't fool proof. My best suggestion are either sprigs of rosemary or dried rosemary in little bags. I've also hung rosemary branches around the house and that seemed to help. But once you have them, it's awfully hard to get rid of them. We're buying a new home and I will be certain that every square inch is scrubbed down with bleach before we get in.
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