Thread: shout out!
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Old 03-16-2014, 07:12 AM
onthebrinkofdisaster's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 28
Cool shout out!

HIIm new to sewing in general ,and even newer to quilting lol.
it all started when I broke out my 10 year old used 3 times sewing machine and it wouldnt changed stitches . baffled , I spent many internet hours trying to figure what I could be doing wrong and finally opened up the little bugger to see if anything was "obviously " wrong .well it was , "something" was broken a plastic little "gear" looking thing . more internet hours and I figured out it was something to do with a cam stitch changing thing . horrified by singer (6038) using plastic for such an important part and feeling betrayed as well after all I distinctly remember buying this machine after reading something about metal on the box (yes ten years ago) well It was metal "frame" on the box I kept. ugh!
So I decidede the only way to not be in this position again is to not buy a new plastic riddled machine.more internet hours and I made a decision VINTAGE machines were the only way to go ! the search was on there were soo many on craigslist.I had my eye on a huqvarna viking class 20 and a singer 503 couldnt make up my mind , the viking was sold when I called I was so bummed . so on to the singer 503 bought it for 90$ thought it was a good deal love it and was happy . but I was soo bothered by that viking being gone I kept looking on craigslist for another one , and found a domestic 153 I couldnt live without (and 501 attachments I have no idea what to do with lol )but still bothered I dont have that viking back to craigslist . this time a find a bargain in a 403 with cabinet and knee lever for only 25$ how could I just pass it up right? I m lucky I have a suburban and didnt have to talk the hubs into lending me his truck for the day and hear the "lucy you got some splaning to do "speech.
cause yall know I was going back to craigslist for a shot at an elusive viking . only this time I was stricken by a white fair lady in cabinet with knee lever for 25$ and a 45 minute road trip to daytona . and still no viking
so here i am , 5 sewing machines and nothing but lust for more , and very limited sewing skills . and a husband with a raised eyebrow wanting to know whats gotten into me .its fine honey everythings under control . Ill be "making so much stuff " ugh yeah .Ill be making a quilt honey youll see !
I started out with some squirreled away paolyester fabric in black and white polka dot and solid yellow . should be easy enough right just some squares sewn together I can do this . OH MY GOD ! dont get me started on every mistake with that sentence.Im lucky I have to keep ripping seems out because it seems like im way busier than I really am .anyways , I need help and Ill be here reading everything and hopefully leaning what Im doing wrong lol .
thanks for being here for people like me in over their heads !
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