Old 03-25-2014, 05:12 AM
Pam H
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Wisconsin
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Here is a little motivation for you!

[h=1]Feeling Burnt Out? 5 Effective Ways to Motivate![/h]
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It’s normal to hit a speed bump (or two) when you're driving along your road to weight loss. Encourage yourself to stick with it and I'm certain the numbers on the scale will start moving downward again. Here are some tips to reignite your weight loss efforts and keep you motivated for the long haul.
  • Remember that weight loss is as much a mental battle as it is a physical one. Experts recommend that you regularly take time to recognize and appreciate how much happier and healthier you are becoming (say, after losing the first ten pounds) and to practice positive self-talk every day to keep your determination going strong. I encourage you to start every morning by standing in front of the mirror, looking yourself in the eye, and saying (aloud or in your head) one positive thing you like about your body.
  • Keep a journal to record and process your feelings, challenges, and successes throughout this weight loss process. Also, jot down the reasons you committed to losing weight in the first place and some of the best “perks” that you’ve experienced so far (maybe it’s an array of complements, or a task you can do with ease now that you’re more fit). Draw strength from your own words whenever you need a boost.
  • Set short-term goals. Rather than focus on the total amount of weight you need to lose, which can be overwhelming, establish short-term, “mini” goals to keep your confidence flying high. At the start of each new week, set 1 or 2 definitive objectives for the week ahead. These can either be pound goals, like “lose 2 pounds this week,” or action goals such as “don’t snack after dinner this week” or “cook two new healthy recipes this week.” When you accomplish one of your goals, treat yourself to a non-food reward, such as a manicure, 10-minute massage, new book, or movie night with a friend.
  • Jazz up your fitness routine. It may just take some up-beat music downloads or a new workout DVD. Or, try taking your exercise outside of the gym, where you can walk or jog a different route every day — the change of scenery will keep things from getting stale.
  • If all else fails, go shopping! Stand in one of those 180 degree mirrors and really look at yourself wearing a smaller pair of jeans or a form-fitting dress. Celebrate your new figure and all the hard work you’ve put into getting to this point.
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