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Old 04-09-2014, 12:28 PM
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My goal is to continue the tradition and make sure each of my siblings and neices and nephews have quilts - then I'll see where it goes. I love making quilts so having a lot to give away works for me LOL!!

From the eulogy - my Mother is survived by 10 childern, 27 grand childern, 15 great grandchildern, and 1 great-great grand child - and plenty of the grandchildern are still at it - and the great grandchildern are just getting old enough to start making more too!

Mom did finish a few quilts, but I'll still have a long way to go if I want to complete her plan.[/QUOTE]

This poem seems appropriate:

by Marcella Bechtel
Forty or more long years ago,*
A lady I never knew
Lovingly pieced this quilt top,*
And added the border, too.
Each curve fits in exactly,*
It's made so carefully,
But she died ere she could quilt it*
For her great-grandson, you see.
She made quilts for all her children,*
And all their children, too;
But there wasn't time to finish*
All that she meant to do.
So this lovely top was left behind*
After she'd gone to rest;
It was handed down to his mother,*
And stored in a cedar chest.
It stayed in perfect condition,*
Though forty years it's been
Since she made it for my husband--*
He was just a baby then.
Now it is stretched out before me,*
And my needle moves to a tempo,
Quilting the top she made
So many years ago.
I feel as if I know her--*
This lady I never met;
For the cloth holds a certain magic*
Of love that is living yet.
I know it makes her happy*
That*at last it's being done
By someone else who loves him--*
Her gift for her great-grandson.
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