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Old 04-13-2014, 08:02 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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I've had a few garage sales. I price things for more than what I really want to get. In case people (like me) come and want to feel like they're getting a bargain and like to barter for everything. My (higher) prices were still amazingly cheap. Many people didn't even feel the need to bargain as the item was "Such a deal" already. For example we were selling many big baby items (4' play pen, fancy shmancy carseat -not even close to expiration date & never in an accident, huge wooden toy box, little tykes play forts) all in excellent shape, for $12. I really wanted $10.

Unfortunately by the time the garage sale is almost done and I start thinking about what I can spend all my loot on, something big breaks in our home. Clothes washer, dryer or dish washer. I figure if I don't have any more garage sales, nothing will break!
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