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Old 05-08-2014, 07:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Sewnoma View Post
I don't have any friends who are quilters so for me (in addition to just going to bask in all the glorious quilts), I go to be amongst people that share my passion. I go alone, but I enjoy striking up little mini conversations with other random "singles" there as we end up in the same bay looking at the same quilts, so I rarely feel lonely at those type events. I usually only feel lonely when I get hungry and end up sitting by myself somewhere to eat; which is fine, I eat quickly and get back out on the floor with the quilts!

I used to really want someone to go with me but now at this point I enjoy my solo trips because it's all on my schedule. I can stare at the same quilt for 20 minutes if that's what I want to do (and sometimes that's exactly what I need to do) and nobody gets impatient with me. And if there's a section of something I'm not interested in (like wearables - they just don't do it for me) I can skip it and not annoy anyone (or have to get dragged through it myself!)

But of course, the main draw is the quilts themselves. I usually go through the whole show twice, just because I always notice things on the 2nd go-round that I missed before. And I do stare at some quilts for an awfully long time, I just can't help it sometimes!
Thanks so much for your post. I too, am thinking of going solo to a couple of upcoming quilt shows. I don't have any friends that quilt and to tell you the truth, I really don't want to take the DH. He'd be bored stiff. You've given me some courage to go alone. Thanks!

~ Cindy
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