Thread: Motivation
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Old 05-08-2014, 10:19 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Tampa Bay Area, Florida
Posts: 2,229

I agree with the baby steps, but for me I sometimes have to break it down to micro steps to get started again. I might just pick starching and ironing one piece of fabric to prepare it for cutting; or cleaning, threading and making sure I have the right needle and foot on my machine for the next project I've decided to do "when I'm ready". Other times giving myself a small window of time works better. I might decide to just spend 15 minutes "doing something" in my sewing room or other times I'll give myself a time limit and an activity. Sometimes I keep going past the amount of time I set myself or move on to a second small step and sometimes I don't. Either way if I do the one task or do something for the amount of time I set myself I feel successful. No one thing works for me every time, and sometimes nothing works. At those times relaxing and looking at a quilt magazine, coming to the board or watching a quilt video is what I do-and that's ok too! For things that have a definite completion date one thing I do know--that old saying "Well I work better under pressure" isn't true. Yes, I get going, because I know l'm out of time, but having to hurry leads either to mistakes or not my best work or both. There's many great suggestions given in all these responses, I'm sure you'll find some that will help you get started again. Happy creating!
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