Old 05-19-2014, 03:48 AM
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I have not received a call like this but several people in my quilt guild have and it was a topic of discussion at a meeting. If I don't recognize a phone number on caller ID then I generally don't pick up. If it's important the caller will leave a message and I can call back. I have a cell phone with a different area code than where I live and recently called an appliance repairman to get my fridge fixed and left a message. He called me right back but when he was here working on my fridge he said he hadn't answered the phone when I called because it was an out of area number and he thought it was a telemarketer so didn't answer. He said he gets a lot of telemarketer and robo calls so started not answering. When he saw that I'd left a message he checked the message and called me right back. It's rampant.
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